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Mentoring is a wonderful journey of ...

... support, advice, guidance,  self-discovery and achievement!

Whereas Coaching is a journal of self-discovery and achievement, Mentoring is a journey of support, advice, guidance and encouragement to achievement.

Mentoring allows you to gain information from another person's learning, knowledge and experience.  Using this method of gaining information allows you to maximise your own potential, to develop your own skills, and improve your performance.  For this reason mentoring is a powerful personal development tool; and is a very effective way in which you can gain that additional support to learning.

In a similar way to coaching, mentoring is a partnership between two people.  It is a supporting relationship that is based upon mutual trust and respect.

... support, advice, and guidance!

Although the mentor may have the knowledge and experience that you can use to gain an understanding and learning, it is important to realise that no two experiences are the same; and as such when you get advice or guidance from your mentor, you must select your own path forward.  In this way your mentor is a facilitator providing support, advice, guidance, and encouragement; but does not provide instruction.

Mentors are people who have personally gained experience and are generally more knowledgeable and are providing support, advice and guidance to a less experienced or less knowledgeable person.  In other words, mentoring is a learning and development partnership between generally two people where one person has vast experience and the other who wants to learn.  

... self-discovery and achievement!

The mentors who work through The Nyasa Partnership are all qualified coaches with specific experience in one or more niche markets or on one or more topics.  Your mentors will use their coaching skills to give you the confidence to recognise your learnings, make your own decisions, and take your own steps forward.  In this way you can learn from the mentors knowledge, learning and experience; but make your own decisions for your next actions and/or tasks.  It is your responsibility to take the initiative, do the research you need to do, make the decisions, and undertake the action.

Mentoring can be on a one-2-one basis between two people or in a group or team environment.  Whichever basis is selected, all conversations and discussions between you and your mentor are confidential. 

Mentoring is a happy experience and has a fulfilling and positive impact on your life.

Mentoring is a wonderful journey of support, advice, guidance,  self-discovery and achievement!

In line with the personally gained experience each mentor with The Nyasa Partnership has, the mentoring offered by The Nyasa Partnership Limited include:

  • personal development mentoring
  • professional development (i.e. change of career) mentoring
  • coach mentoring
  • mentor mentoring
  • IT project/programme management mentoring

Contact us to start on your journey of support, advice, guidance, self-discovery and achievement!


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 Spiritual Mentoring is a wonderful journey of …

… in-depth support, advice, guidance,  self-discovery and achievement!

Spiritual Mentoring is taking mentoring to a deeper level.  Spiritual mentoring uses the same tried, tested and proven processes; but also works with your Mind, Body, and Spirit, and will connect at your deepest level.  You will become aware of how each element of your Mind, Body, and Spirit work and allow yourself to make the changes you want to make to these elements, such that they work as one.

The word ‘spiritual’ is your definition.  It may or may not mean religion.  It may or may not mean intuition.  It may or may not mean soul.  Whatever it means to you, Spiritual Mentoring is simply a way of allowing yourself to become aware of who you are at your deepest level.  In other words it is a way of connecting with your true self (your inner-self).

Spiritual mentoring supports you in looking for and defining your life purpose, setting goals that are not only achievable, but are also congruent with your spiritual self; such that when you successfully achieve your goal you will feel completely fulfilled. 

When working with a spiritual mentor you will be challenged in ways that the normal mentoring process doesn’t include.  In addition to ‘normal’ mentoring and coaching questions; you maybe asked questions around what you are hearing from the Universe, what your intuition is truly telling you, how your energies are feeling, and many others.

Remember mentoring includes challenging preconceived ideas and gives you the opportunity to see things in a different way.  Spiritual mentoring gives you the opportunity to challenge these preconceived ideas from a deeper level.

Whatever mentoring means to you, spiritual mentoring will allow you to make the changes you want to make to your life in a balanced and holistic manner.  The level of self-discovery, the level of changes, the level of challenges, the level of achievements is up to you!

Mentoring is a happy experience and has a fulfilling and positive impact on your life.

Contact us to start on your spiritual journey of in-depth support, advice, guidance, self-discovery and achievement!


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